The Rich endless bowl of ice cream and Cadbury goes wild!

Today we have a very 70’s story about the moms of the world happily feeding their children a bowl of endless chemicals. This would not fly at today’s organic dinner time!

But first, let’s see what Cadbury gets up to when no one is around to watch!

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He is so cute!

And now, we go back to a simpler time when big business was trusted and we never thought about what packaged goods we ate!

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I wonder what the percentages are on how many people really melted it down? To never buy ice cream again would be quite cost effective. But, who knows what diseases you will get from eating this.

It’s odd that the ice cream vendors were so jolly while giving out the endless ice cream. It would destroy their livelihood! And curious that Nurse Jenny is more in the know than Richard.

What did you think? Hungry for ice cream?