It’s magic!

It’s time for another one of my favorite Richie stories and it involves my favorite Richie story topic; Richie exploring the mansion!

This is definitely in my top three stories ever, there are so many things to explore and find in this house, I wanted so badly to live in the Rich mansion!

I’d love to know your favorite type of stories so I can add some to the page. Just comment at the bottom of the story, it should be easy now, it just requires an email and name and your email will not show on the page. I’d love to get some feedback for future posts. And if you want to be emailed when I do a new post, you can sign up on the right. Thanks! Enjoy the magic!


Do you love these stories as much as me or do you like the action and villain types better?

4 comments on “It’s magic!

  1. David says:

    This was a funny issue! It was particularly hilarious because of The Coupon Room! I mean, come on, how hysterical is it to think that The Riches would EVER reduce themselves to using coupons! Pah!

  2. That is a good point! I also am interested in the physics of the puzzle floor, how does one not fall through while completing the floor? And if only the Rich mansion had more than 6 people who worked there it would have been neat to see another domestic, Old Skadds perhaps, walking around on the floor below Richie and looking up in shock!

  3. David says:

    Such a phenomenon of assembling a puzzle floor, but not falling through prior to completion is puzzling in itself.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It kind of reminds me of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter legend.

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