Cadbury remains cool under pressure, almost…

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I had (ok, perhaps still have) a HUGE crush on Cadbury growing up and did not care that he was a cartoon character. In my mind, he was my boyfriend/future husband. Which is why the below one-pager has special significance to me as it was the day Cadbury broke my little seven year old heart. 12705364_10153445966050835_615108438691718070_n.jpg

That shirt! Those shoes! That blonde floozy instead of me!! Such a sad day. Thank you to Larry T. for reminding me of this tear-jerking story. 🙂

And now back to Cadbury doing his usual amazing job of remaining calm under pressure. Or perhaps not?

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Go Cadbury! Shuddup, ya punk kids!

And now to our first story where poor Cadbury is stuck with stupid old Reggie for the day. Will he lose his cool? Read on..

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SNEER! How’d you like that Reggie??? I love when Reggie gets his just desserts!

And now Cadbury has to teach old-timey Regina how to drive, what a deucedly frightening task.

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Oh Regina, you doofus!

And if you like stories about Mrs. Rich flirting with the staff and acting helpless, check this out:

And if you like stories about Cadbury losing his cool or just being a stud, check these out:

Do you fancy a Cadbury story too?



Happy Valentine’s from Richie and Gloria

Happy Valentine’s everyone! I loved how pretty the digitized Gems looked last week and handily enough, I had the Valentine’s Gems that Weldon spoke of in the previous blog:

So, our first story is a new(ish) story from Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colón!

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Not getting the romance in seeing a hairy dude dressed up in your clothes singing. And was it also a friendly Valentine for Freckles and Peewee? Why were they at her house?

It seems like Reggie was going for the long game to finally get Gloria by NEXT Valentine’s Day. Sheesh, a year of sabotage and courtship!

And now some re-colored old favorites:

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And now we go back to ye olden days with a lot of modern technology. This story is sweet as they are young kids, but if Richie and Gloria were just a few years older, Richie would be considered a stalker and would have a restraining order on him.  Enjoy!

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Yiish, Mr. Glad! You better put your daughter in the nunnery ASAP!

If you’d like another romantic Richie and Gloria story, click below:

And, I found the recolored version of one of my favorite stories so I added it to an earlier post just for fun to compare the two.

Happy Valentine’s!