Our 1 year anniversary, Richie Rich trivia, and the Riches go broke!

Happy 1 year anniversary of Richie Rich Comics Fan Club Blog! Woooo hoooo!

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Check out the latest country count pic, people from all over the world have come to this little page, it amazes me every day! Thank you to http://diversionsofthegroovykind.blogspot.com/ and http://www.bigblogcomics.com/ for promoting my blog to the globe!


And as a fun anniversary treat, I found these Richie Rich trivia questions. Give it a try and see how you do! Answers are posted at the bottom, as well as the questions again so you don’t have to keep scrolling up.

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And finally, today we have a very classic Richie story from Jackpots #23. The Rich family lose all their money and must start over from scratch. But, they approach the situation with love, humor, and a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps attitude that is very inspiring! Enjoy!

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Now, obviously there are many leaps in logic here (who would throw out cable worth that much?) and we could spend all day pointing them out, but I must ask; they couldn’t go to the Van Doughs? Or Aunt Novoo Rich? They wouldn’t be imposing because there are thousands of rooms in those mansions. No, they couldn’t, the story wouldn’t have worked, stop looking for logic, it’s a comic, you’re right, I agree. 🙂

And I could point out that enough time has elapsed for Rich and Sons to have a factory, yet Regina is still wearing the same dress. But, I like to think it is a custom, handmade, silk dress and she can’t afford another one of those yet, so better to wear it non-stop than a ratty dress from the five and dime.

I love how Richard knows Bean Belly from the War! WWI we assume? Do you remember them ever mentioning Richard’s wartime service before? I don’t!

And my lovely Cadbury stays with them to the end, sleeping on a chair instead of going back to his apartment. Although, he does live in the servant’s quarters in most Richie stories, but sometimes they show his secret life outside of the mansion. It’s sweet how the men sleep in chairs while giving Richie and Regina the crates and grotty sheets to sleep on. Nothing looks very comfortable, but it’s the thought that counts.

What a great family, they get out there, pound the pavement, start a new company, even Regina doesn’t act like a ditz and knocks a bunch of bad guys out. I am so impressed with the Riches in this story! And Richard is even kind to that jerk Uriah Mound; I guess they had already used Uriah Heap in the below story and didn’t want to use it twice:  www.richierichcomicsfanclub.wordpress.com/tag/uriah-heap/ 

I don’t see the appeal of taking all of Richard Rich’s assets. There are just too much. Vaults are exploding everywhere, the money is pouring in too fast to ever spend. I would have just taken over an extra mansion/playhouse and a few vaults on the sly and no one would ever notice. Did you remember this story?

And just a reminder, if there is a certain story or type of story that you would like to see on here, comment below or email me at gloriagladrich2@yahoo.com.

And now, for the quiz results:

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How did you do? Did you know number 9? I had no idea! And I am suspect of 18. Shouldn’t the answer be Richville? I missed 9, 14, 15, 18, 19, & 20. But, I mostly read digests so the names of actual Richie comics are not something I know well. Hope you had fun, thank you for being a fan club member and Happy Anniversary!

Mrs. Rich tries not to show off her wealth? What in the world?

This is a very weird little tale where Regina actually seems to get how ostentatious her jewelry obsession is. But, first, let’s remember how Mrs. Rich usually acts…


And now, prepare for a trip to opposite land!

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She does look much thinner in normal women’s clothes, she doesn’t even need to reduce! And look at Richie in normal kid clothes!

I found another one pager about the Smellevision, check it out at the end of the Smellevision story:


The next blog post will be our one year anniversary of RRCFC so prepare for fun! But, for now, you must wait till the 27th…….. 🙂

The Rich endless bowl of ice cream and Cadbury goes wild!

Today we have a very 70’s story about the moms of the world happily feeding their children a bowl of endless chemicals. This would not fly at today’s organic dinner time!

But first, let’s see what Cadbury gets up to when no one is around to watch!

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He is so cute!

And now, we go back to a simpler time when big business was trusted and we never thought about what packaged goods we ate!

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I wonder what the percentages are on how many people really melted it down? To never buy ice cream again would be quite cost effective. But, who knows what diseases you will get from eating this.

It’s odd that the ice cream vendors were so jolly while giving out the endless ice cream. It would destroy their livelihood! And curious that Nurse Jenny is more in the know than Richard.

What did you think? Hungry for ice cream?