Money, money, everywhere, but not a drop to drink…

I wonder why crooks are always sneaking in through the windows at the mansion? All they really need to do is sit around for two minutes anywhere near the estate and money will come flying through the air at them! Or scratch a stick at some grass and a vault will pop up and spew cash and coins!

But, while crooks like all this cash, dear Gloria is not down with all the miscellaneous money hither and thither on the estate. And try as he might, Richie cannot hide the dollars hanging around underfoot in today’s top story….


Hee hee, what a cute story! One thing that you may have noticed as well is that Richie is sporting the white underwear/diaper look quite a lot in the stories today. Perhaps he is trying to bond with Gloria in the panty showing stakes!

And now to a cute one-pager, I would love to be Richie’s maid!

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And more vulgar displays of wealth! Did we accidently wander into Aunt Novoo Rich’s house?


So strange to see Richie being spanked! That never happens!

And now, one last story of Richie accidently showing off his wealth and very pasty legs; which is also the very sad story of security guards with horribly boring jobs.

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My, what a fun job. Standing in a closed room on the off-chance one of three people might want to enter and look at some art for five seconds once every six years. Yiish! And the gunman must have been so excited to point his gun at someone! He probably is only guarding the diamond from birds and squirrels on most days. Not my cup of tea on the job front.

Maybe those are the jobs that Mr. Rich gives to the criminals whom he promises jobs to when they get out of jail. If they can stop themselves from stealing, they are proven to be rehabilitated and can go on to business or scientist jobs in Rich Industries.

Do you like Richie showing off his wealth stories? Why do you think no one ever seems to notice that Richie’s shorts or legs aren’t colored in before these were published? And if you like weird colorization in Richie stories, check this out:

The most thrilling ride in the world!