Mayda Munny and the Haunted Playhouse and Richie gets a frightningly swelled head!

We had a request for a Mayda Munny story and I am happy to oblige. Enjoy!

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Wow, that is pretty risky to move an entire house, Mayda could have been killed just for Richie to be snarky. Not on board with this revenge, Richie, not cool.

I am boggled by the dimensions of Gloria’s body. Her butt must be miniscule to not show in her tiny skirt, yet her legs are like tree trunks. Richie is clearly a leg man.

And now, attack of the giant headed people!!!!

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“It’s me, Dad, I was kidnapped!” Only Richie Rich can say that and have it be a casual, throwaway line. I’m surprised Richard didn’t say, “Kidnapped? Well, la de da!” And how does Richie drag two full grown adults into a plane! What??? How??? And why? Just leave them on the abandoned island and call the estate police.

I wonder what happens if you use the potion on a really ugly person? Do they become a supermodel for one minute?

And, if you like stories about drinking a potion and turning into a monster, check this one out:

Mr. Rich drinks Monster Cola and turns into a monster!

The tiny Rich family and their tiny mansion face peril in “The Mini Mansion Caper”!

Happy summer! I received a request for a favorite story that a reader hadn’t seen in years and I am so happy when I can provide a walk down memory lane. This cover is one of my favorites.

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Hi, me! Enjoy!

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I’m not sure I get the plot beginning. Was Conrad the carpenter play acting as well? And if so, for whose benefit? No one was overhearing him on the phone except you and I. There is nothing to rob in the mini-mansion. Surely he built all the mini money and has all the floor plans of the house already. Or was the carpenter played by Cadbury or Bascomb? Do tell me your interpretation…

Is there an old story you haven’t seen in years that you’d like me to look for?