Cadbury attends the Butler’s convention and Richie gets a forcefield

Whoops! I have been neglecting this little blog, time to get my Richie hat back on!


Gadzooks, I’m happy when I find an old $5 in my jeans!


This doctor knew where his bread was buttered, no “lose some weight, eat better, exercise more”.

This next story is from the defunct Richie Rich app and is one of the many stories where Cadbury hangs out with other butlers. They never seem to mind that he wins every butler contest!


Wow, Mrs. Rich made some tarts all on her own? That is more shocking than Cadbury standing on his head unassisted! In interesting news, one can still employee a butler, I have never seen one in real life!


What an amazing invention! You could strap it on your child or even your baby and never worry about them getting hurt! Maybe this woman had a prototype and that’s why she wasn’t worried about sending her baby off a cliff with a cardboard.

Happy Holidays!