Richie helps Mr. Glad and Reggie helps himself to some thorns

We’re going back in the Wayback Machine to some early Richie from the Richie Rich Relics comics. I love how cute they are drawn in the early days and I’m so grateful for these newer versions because my early Richies are brown and crumbling.

This first story is yet another one where in today’s world Richie would be considered a Gloria stalker, but back then we just thought it was cute. Although I can’t imagine Harveyville is very far from Richdale, surely it’s just a yacht length away!

(*If you don’t get that hilarious reference, you will further down the page!)


Oh the olden days, when we didn’t know what hot dogs were made of!

And if you like tales of Richie trying to control Gloria’s life, you will like the second story here:

And now for the yacht reference, I can’t find my color version of this so I apologize for the black and white.


Waahaa! Now you get the hilarity!

And now to a one-pager, I love when Richie is dressed in his “poor” clothes. All those destitute kids wandering around in the 50’s with striped shirts instead of tuxedos, it was easy to spot the lower class indeed.IMG_2412.jpg

Did you see their names in the window? Hee hee! Richie should have brought his denim and rhinestone checkbook case to go with his attire.

And if you like stories of Richie in non-fancy clothes, see here:

And now to something I really enjoy, when Richie gets to stick it to Reggie. IMG_2413.jpg

And there’s more where that came from, here’s a great story where we can sneer away at dumb ‘ol Reggie. As Freckles would say, “WHEEEEE!”


Reggie made an incredibly well planned fake treasure map. He missed his calling as a cartographer. I like when Richie doesn’t try to be nice and include Reggie despite his jerkness. He just says “So long sucker!”

If you like stories of Reggie getting trounced, see here:

And if that’s not enough, just search Reggie in the search box by the magnifying glass at the top of this page for more stories. Have a great weekend!