Guest Blog! An old frenemy returns in The Mysterious Shipwrecks

Yay, we have another story and commentary from Ze Mastor and Richie Rich Money World #16! This is a story I really loved  back in the day and I’m happy to read it again. Enjoy! Comments below are from Zeeeee Mastooooor….N pg1

Oooooh! A Richie Rich mystery! How I loved getting Richie Rich comics with these kinds of stories! Another ship story, this time with shipwrecks and Rich cargo disappearing.

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The ship’s captain starts to tell his story… a weird red lighthouse beam…

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The captain explains that they obediently changed their course and the beam guided them to crash the ship on the rocks. *Sigh*, it’s things like this that makes ya wonder why grown-ups were in charge of anything in Harvey-land. Where does Mr. Rich get these ship captains from? Advertising in the local newspaper? Well, yes! That’s how they got Capt. Manta 6 years before (in 1969) and we all know how well that worked out, don’t we? N pg4

Richie has Bascomb drive him around to random places in town. “That man! I’ve seen him before!”, thinks Richie. Of course! Bascomb’s seedy twin brother. Just look at Bascomb in the panel above, looks just like him. Bascomb’s seedy twin is jowly due to his typical criminal’s diet of junk food, but one can easily see the resemblance. So Richie jumps into a nearby cab and follows the seedy guy, instead of having Bascomb take him where he wants to go (???).

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The guy dashes into a run-down building on the po’ side of town. Richie investigates all by himself and gets a face full o’ chloroform for all his troubles. That’s what Richie gets for not having Bascomb as his backup. It’s not as if the taxi driver was gonna stick around and get involved! When Richie comes to, he finds his old nemesis, Dr. N-R-Gee. Just based on the dialogue, I guessed (back in 1975) that Richie had met Dr. N-R-Gee before, but I didn’t have any other issues with him in it at the time, so I didn’t know the whole story. Thanks reading to this blog, I do now! N pg6

Dr. N-R-Gee drags Richie along for his latest caper. He has an incredibly complicated plan to tow a platform out to sea and have his goons build a portable lighthouse, and then he’d signal ships to crash into the rocks. Even though it would be much easier for him to hijack an actual lighthouse and send his signals from there.

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It can’t possibly be fun for the henchmen to be hauling 6 foot sheets of metal while climbing up ladders, what with the platform bobbing around in the open sea like that. Dropping an anchor does NOT stop objects from moving in the water with the waves. I love the way the ocean waves are beautifully drawn here- you can practically smell the brine and hear the sound of the seagulls.
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I’m really impressed by the bad guys’ ability to stand up straight way up there in the portable lighthouse. The height of the structure would magnify any up/down and side-to-side movement of the floating platform exponentially and toss them around like rag dolls. Meanwhile, Mr. Rich is riding shotgun on his cargo ship, to investigate what’s been happening to his ships. The idiot captain (a different one) insists on obeying the lighthouse signals, even if they’re weird and red. Mr. Rich really starts to regret hiring his ship captains from the classified ads and swears that the next time, he’ll hire someone that actually has a brain.N pg9

Richie distracts Dr. N-R-Gee, causing him to spin around. It’s amazing that the bad doctor didn’t fall over on his own, since we know that lighthouse is swaying and rocking. Mr. Rich’s idiot captain finally gets the clue, follows Mr. Rich’s instructions and sails towards the fake lighthouse.N pg10

Dr. N-R-Gee and his thugs start to panic when they see the cargo ship headed straight for them. Ummm, gentlemen, yelling and waving your fists at a ship isn’t going to stop it. The SS Rich makes a spectacular crash and demolishes the fake lighthouse. Dr. N-R-Gee manages to escape like a half-drowned ship’s rat and makes it to shore, swearing revenge! And indeed, he returns only 6 real-life months later in Richie Rich Money World #20. Can’t keep a good villain down!

Thank you Ze Mastor! I wonder if Richard freaked out when they picked up little Richie from the freezing ocean, having no idea he wasn’t safe at home! Surely Richie has a chip they could be tracking him with.

I’m also curious how Dr. N-R-Gee could drown or breathe or see anything. I’d like an x-ray into that lightbulb head to see if his real head is behind there or how breathing, eating, vision, etc. would work!

If you want to read more Dr. N-R-Gee, click these links below:

If you missed the Manta story referenced above, click here:

And if you like Bascomb dropping Richie off in seedy places with no concern for his well being, click here:

Have a great day!