Richie shows off his swimming pool and Dollar discovers his dislike of 4D TV

Breaking Richie news: The new TV series is out on Netflix on February 20th!

And now back to our regularly scheduled post…

I love the early Richie comics and the way they were drawn. The gang in this first story is so unbelievably cute I can hardly take it. Richie is so cuddly and full of baby fat, but PeeWee’s little belly in his giant shorts is even better! So cute I may explode!!! Enjoy…


Harkins seems like quite a nice, efficient fellow, however, I’m surprised he didn’t have a more butlery bathing costume. But, he is clearly no Cadbury and does not keep up with an intensive exercise regime. And how is PeeWee’s suit staying on? Look at his little face when he invites Harkins for a hot dog, precious!

I am not a fan of that pool elevator. If it malfunctions, you can’t get out of the pool! A ladder or two would do no harm, Richard. Especially as PeeWee appears to be drowning in the pool.

I would love if that sunblock machine existed, it would make beach trips so much easier.

And now on to a Dollar story. I have never had much interest in Dollar, but I always love when Richie comics predict inventions that exist now, like 3D TV, albeit in a not as exciting or house-destroying form.

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And if you like crazy TV stories, you may want to revisit this post:

I love how even on hoverscooter, it still takes Richie an hour to get back and forth from the East Wing!

What did you think? And…do you have any stories you haven’t seen in years that you’d like me to find? I feel the need for a new Richie mission.

Richie finds a stowaway in the mansion plus some Richie Dollars and Census

WAA HAA! Dollars and Census! Send me back in a time machine and I could write some Richie cover puns. 🙂

Today’s story is in my favorite Richie genre of….Richie explores the mansion! And the very end of the story is so fun and unexpected and clever, it is one I never forget.

I do have a beef with this story and it is in the very first panel. Really Regina? Your beloved son is lonely and you say, “Well, go play with your friends. And leave me be!”

NO, REGINA. The proper response should be, “Lonely? What am I, chopped liver? I’m just sitting around my duff doing nothing, your childhood is precious and fleeting, let’s go play!” Humpf. Even Reggie’s dad is a better parent in this tale. But, then it gets good, so off we go, apologies in advance for the poor quality….

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I love this end panel! All these random beatniks are just living in the mansion and no one has a clue! And probably stealing food from the kitchen each night like this tale:

The year 2000 is so happy and beautiful and peaceful. And we lived in it! And I remember very little except buying a lot of Y2K emergency supplies for no reason.

And if you also love exploring the mansion, you might want to reread this awesome story:

And now a bonus tale that I was saving for the year of the U.S. Census, but that will be in 2020 and by then we will all have every Richie Rich story on a microchip implanted in our brains, so why wait?

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With all that staff you would think someone would have discovered the hippie poets in the west wing!

What did you think?