Richie Rich goes to private school!

I will keep this brief because I love this story so much and I want you to just dive in! The only thing I don’t love is whatever is growing on the back of Freckles’ head in the first frame.

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Snerdly! There is a Jackie Jokers’ story about a man who screams in libraries named Snerdly Gerp. I always thought that would be a great band name.

Reggie would be the perfect student for the Snobside school, as would Mayda if they allowed girls.

I absolutely love this story, it is so creative and fun and clever. What did you think?

Richie Rich and the Smellevision set

I love getting email and comments from Richie Rich Comics Fan Club readers and I really love it when I get a request for a particular story and I actually have it and can post it! I received a request for the Smellevision story and thanks to a Richie Rich connoisseur friend, we were able to find it quickly in Jackpots #3.

But, because I feel guilty only giving you five little pages to read, here are two one-pagers as appetizers.

We begin with more #girlproblems.


Always have a back up gift, Richie.  And now, a little morsel of fun and handy inventions…

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And now to the Smellevision set! I can’t imagine how bad some reality shows would smell if we had one!

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Firefighters in the Rich mansion seem to be a thread this month. And the Smellevision still works despite the flooded house. Do you remember this story? What did you think?

I found one more!

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And here’s a Lickovision:


If you like TVs that behave differently, check out this 4D TV story:

If you’re not ready to leave Smellovision-land, check out this blog for more insights!



Richie has some problems with the ladies…

Happy July, today we are running a two-for-one girl problems special! The first story involves exploring the Rich mansion, oh happy day!

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What a huge mansion, you get bored even while traveling down the hall on rocket skates. How did Mr. Rich ever find that wing of the house to hide Richie’s present? Gloria doesn’t seem to be affected by the “man in uniform” attraction at all! She is quite peeved!

And now, we switch to poor Mayda trying to flirt her way into Richie’s heart. But, Richie is having none of it!

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Go Richie! Mayda just doesn’t get it. She and Reggie would be a perfect fit, except they would both hate each other too much to get married. I need to find the story where Richie and Mayda get married…or do they? I will look for it and try to post it soon! What did you think of these cute stories?

Richie Rich is a tough kid from the wrong side of the tracks?

Wow, finally a story where Richie is a tough guy! Beating up random townies and getting his street swag on. This story is not for sissies, so pop up your collar and grease back your hair before you read. 🙂

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This is the second time that Bascomb has dropped Richie off in the middle of nowhere, not caring a fig for his safety. Not cool Bascomb! If you missed the first time, click here:

Deep Thoughts…….by Richie Rich

Although, if Bascomb knows what a left hook Richie has, perhaps that’s why he wasn’t worried.

Did you see in the big fight where one kid is being used as a battering ram? This story reminds me a lot of The Outsiders. I am happy to be female so I can make friends the conversation way and not the beating them up way! What did you think?