The Secret of Wildmoor Castle

Today we have another tale in the genre of “random relation of Regina Rich/Vanessa van Dough pops up out of nowhere and has Richie/Reggie compete for ownership of the castle/money/a secret”. I love this type of story because any time Richie explores a house, I am a happy gal!

I do find it strange that they never actually show Regina or Vanessa saying hi to these long lost relations. And surely as these families are so old, they must have many branches leading to more relatives than just Reggie/Richie to distribute their wealth too. Those kids are rich enough! But, I suppose the poorer relations might not understand the upkeep involved in mansion ownership. Enjoy!

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Richie and Cadbury are so jolly in the beginning, playing with whips and guns and bolos like it’s a water balloon fight. And it explains why Richie is so good at escaping bad guys.

Does anyone else find it creepy that one of REGINA’s ancestors in the portrait is a dead-ringer for her husband? Methinks there might have been some crossed DNA lines in Richie’s family tree.

And if you liked this story, here’s another one in the same genre you may have missed:

Do you like this type of story? Any favorites?