Irona stops a hijacking and whatcha doin’ on the moon?

Who doesn’t love Irona? She is the perfect robot servant; full of intelligence, strength, an ability to talk to other machines, and a sense of humor. She is loyal, fiercely protective of Richie, and can do pretty much anything. Here she is in all her glory, but it is cracking me up how this hijacker thinks she is an ugly old woman!

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I do recall planes in the 70’s having an upstairs part on international flights where people could stand, walk around, smoke and get alcohol at the bar. I never got to go as I was just a tot, but it certainly seemed glamorous! So, I am not going to be too shocked that a heavy piano would be on the plane, because who knows, maybe they had that up in that fancy area too!

Well, voila, look what I found! They did have pianos!

And, in case you were wondering what that sweet tune Irona was belting out is:

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It’s a real song! Written by our beloved Sid Jacobson & Jimmy Krondes!

Watch below:

Have a great day, you homely dames!


Richie desperately needs a double “Z” machine screw for his train set!

Happy April! As you probably know, because I repeat it ad nauseum; my favorite stories are Richie exploring the house stories. So, let’s brighten your day with a cute one pager!


I hope they leave snacks and water in every room or there will be many dead bodies accumulating over the years!

And one more for good measure…

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What a house!

And now, onto the main event. Richie needs a Z screw, because if his train set isn’t running, what on earth will he do with his friends? They certainly couldn’t swim, race cars, fly a plane, climb Mount Richie, watch a movie on a giant screen, play outside, count money….

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D’oh! Richard Rich, you spendthrift!

One can only hope that the giant transformer they took the Z screw from is not part of the machinery necessary for making a Z screw or this will really be a cluster.

I feel bad for my love, Cadbury. It’s such a good feeling to be organized and on top of things, like having a bandaid in your purse when someone needs one or a mint, but to have every single screw in the world, but the VERY ONE RICHIE NEEDS….oh…it is truly tragic. My poor chap, Cadbury, he tried so hard. Let’s give him a virtual hug.