Adventures with Cadbury’s ex-bosses and more exploring the mansion!

In my last post I said I hoped to find the Cadbury/Ruddy Blighter story and wouldn’t you know, the very next day I pulled out a digest and there it was! And I thought it would be so funny to post the day after I said I would look for it and now here we are months later. Whoops! But, I also found another ex-boss of Cadbury so now we have two for the price of one. Plus, I found a bunch of exploring the mansion stories that were new to me so that makes me giddy!

First up, Cadbury and Ruddy Blighter. I apologize for the poor quality, I always go back and add higher quality versions of stories as I find them, but for the moment this is just my yellowing digests!

Swooooon…..Cadbury kicking that boulder/juggernaut! So many great lines in this, “Do appear to be fit, old fellow!” “Dash it all, old fruit!”

And now we head to a female boss of Cadbury! No love connection here, however…

Punching and kicking my Cadbury!!!! That will not do! I would happily engage in a bout of fisticuffs with this rawther uncivilized woman. And why no apology Richie? You brain Cadbury with a door and just say, “I didn’t know you were standing there?” You also need to apologize!

What a stench that mansion must have had with all that gurgling oil. And if you like Cadbury’s life before the Rich family, don’t forget this one:

Now to a cute one pager with an uncouth Cadbury??

Phew, just an uncouth relative! And if you want to see more stories of Cadbury’s relatives, check out these links:

And now we move on to my favorite type of Richie stories, yes, you’ve heard it 8 million times before, but for those in the cheap seats, I love exploring the mansion stories! Enjoy!

I love this story!! What did you think? And now more Freckles and mansion exploration…

Yet another Richie invention that came to fruition, those finders and receivers are the precursor to laser tag guns. Such an amazing house!

And now for some dear sweet baby face Richie, I looooove how he looks in these old comics! And trigger warning, there’s a quarantine involved so if you’ve had enough of virus-related things, you may want to skip this one.

So sweet! There’s no place like home. It does make me a bit sad to see how happy Richie was having other kids to play with at the mansion. He is a lonely little rich boy, even stupid Reggie got a sister, but Richie had no one. I guess Dollar and Cadbury do eventually come along to be his besties, but glad he got this brother time with Freckles and Peewee.

I leave you with this darling one pager below and remember there are tons more exploring the mansion stories, tons more Cadbury, and even Reggie getting a sister stories to be found by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top left and typing in “exploring the mansion” or “Cadbury” or “Penny van dough”. Plus, if you want to know why there can never be an accurate count of all the rooms in the Rich mansion, check out this story:

Take a visit to the 1930’s car show in the Rich mansion!

Oh, I am giddy! I thought I had read every “Richie explores the house” story, but I just came across one I’ve never seen! So many rooms to explore, so many amazing things in wings of the mansion no one ever enters. This gives me hope that there are still more house stories to find! But first, a funny Mayda one-pager. 🙂


And now, we explore the house! read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-005read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-006read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-007read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-008read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-009read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-012read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-013read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-014read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-015read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-016

How amazing is that? An entire car show just walled up. All those cars that were cutting edge technology for the time, just sitting there, covered in dust. What else is walled up in that mansion? I wish they had shown just a few more rooms. At least we have some other exploring the house stories to read and enjoy:

And why, with all of their money, the Rich’s still can’t seem to hire anyone but this idiot to search the house. And Mr. Woody, the world’s worst carpenter, to build things. But, I assume most of their guards and business employees of Rich industries are former crooks they promised jobs to, so they don’t really attract the best and brightest. When you do, bad things happen, see below:

Did you enjoy that story? And have you ever worn a collar button? 🙂



The Rich mansion gets a good clean and Peewee thwarts some crooks

The below one-pager was a request from a fan club member and I’m so glad a friend was able to find it. Richie Rich comics do more than just entertain us, they teach us too! The only odd thing is that the final number is wrong, I did the calculations and thought I just messed up, but this blog confirms my numbers.

Either way, great story!


Here’s the original version, the above is from the recolored and digitized 2012 GEMS.

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Ha! So there, stupid Reggie!

And now, another memorable one-pager starring Richard Nixon!

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I can’t imagine how much that check is for! I’m surprised all the zeros can even fit on the check!

Now to a cute story about Richie’s loyal friends and how they seem to be just fine with poverty. And leaving little kids at home alone who are allowed to answer the door.

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Oh Freckles, if only you knew what a genius he was! If you like stories where the Friendly family chooses not to accept easy wealth, check this out:

And the bottom story here:

Now, for a very fun story of a man who likes to clean and the butler who wishes he would bugger off!2016-05-08 20.31.172016-05-08 20.31.222016-05-08 20.31.372016-05-08 20.32.122016-05-08 20.32.35

Cadbury wearing sunglasses! That’s a sight you never see! And the mine is so white, even Richie’s shorts join in the fun.

I would think that every time you mine some coal, it would make everything black again so this would be a never ending battle to keep the cave white. But, I will admit, I really like to clean too, so I get it.

Did you like these stories?


Money, money, everywhere, but not a drop to drink…

I wonder why crooks are always sneaking in through the windows at the mansion? All they really need to do is sit around for two minutes anywhere near the estate and money will come flying through the air at them! Or scratch a stick at some grass and a vault will pop up and spew cash and coins!

But, while crooks like all this cash, dear Gloria is not down with all the miscellaneous money hither and thither on the estate. And try as he might, Richie cannot hide the dollars hanging around underfoot in today’s top story….


Hee hee, what a cute story! One thing that you may have noticed as well is that Richie is sporting the white underwear/diaper look quite a lot in the stories today. Perhaps he is trying to bond with Gloria in the panty showing stakes!

And now to a cute one-pager, I would love to be Richie’s maid!

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And more vulgar displays of wealth! Did we accidently wander into Aunt Novoo Rich’s house?


So strange to see Richie being spanked! That never happens!

And now, one last story of Richie accidently showing off his wealth and very pasty legs; which is also the very sad story of security guards with horribly boring jobs.

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My, what a fun job. Standing in a closed room on the off-chance one of three people might want to enter and look at some art for five seconds once every six years. Yiish! And the gunman must have been so excited to point his gun at someone! He probably is only guarding the diamond from birds and squirrels on most days. Not my cup of tea on the job front.

Maybe those are the jobs that Mr. Rich gives to the criminals whom he promises jobs to when they get out of jail. If they can stop themselves from stealing, they are proven to be rehabilitated and can go on to business or scientist jobs in Rich Industries.

Do you like Richie showing off his wealth stories? Why do you think no one ever seems to notice that Richie’s shorts or legs aren’t colored in before these were published? And if you like weird colorization in Richie stories, check this out:

The most thrilling ride in the world!




2 year anniversary! Woot woot! And Richie & Gloria discover the Art Room!

TWO YEARS of Richie Rich Comics Fan Club! Whoooooohooooo!


I got so slacky this year, I didn’t think I would make it, but hurrah! Thank you lovely readers for keeping me going! And as always, I will make my yearly plea for comments, it makes my day when I get a notification that someone has commented! Just tell me what you think of the story, of Richie, an old comics memory, whatever, I want to hear it all, I love hearing other’s thoughts & opinions.

And, while I am repeating myself, did I tell you how my favorite Richie stories involve Richie exploring the house? I did? 900 times? You’re right! And today, we have my FAVORITE Richie exploring the house story. And we even find out why no one knows all the rooms in the Rich mansion, and why they can never all be on a map.


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How amazing is this house? Who thought of making crazy ceilings and walls? Who knew there were trap doors into Regina and Cadbury’s rooms? And most importantly, why can’t Regina put lipstick on? I do it every day, it’s not difficult.

And who is paying the carpenters? No wonder no one has mapped every room in the Rich mansion, they keep adding on! Ooooh, perhaps the beatnik artists squatting in the mansion tell the carpenters what to build! That’s where the crazy ceilings and walls come from; hippies who draw up architectural plans while they are high as a kite! I have solved the mystery!

Yes, the ending makes no sense, how can a person buy a destroyed room of a house? Surely there is a million dollars lying on the floor anyway so it’s basically free. And Richard was not much help, oh the room is destroyed so you can’t use it. Let’s ignore the fact that there are 950 unused rooms in my house that could be used for an art show whether or not they explicitly say “Art Room” on the door!

But, glop art or not, I love this story and I only wish there had been a Richie Rich Mansion comic series where we could have explored the house every month. Sob…

I think I have posted all the major exploring the house stories, but if you remember another one, do let me know!

Richie finds a stowaway in the mansion plus some Richie Dollars and Census

Oh happy day, Richie explores the Rich mansion!

It’s magic!

Illogical, yet interesting

Richie has some problems with the ladies…

The legends were true…Richie Rich meets the New Kids on the Block!

Happy Anniversary and tell me Richie things you’re thinking in the comments! 🙂

Dr. N-R-Gee Returns!

I’ve been getting a bit girlie with my posts as of late, so I thought I would flip over to the boy side and serve up some hot and red Dr. N-R-Gee. I never liked the action and adventure Richie stories for the most part when I was young, but I always like Dr. N-R-Gee stories. Maybe because he didn’t have a face to scare me like the Condor. Enjoy!

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Ah Richie, if only you hadn’t worn your pointy go-go boots, the raft may not have busted. But, then you wouldn’t have been able to save the world, so excellent fashion choice. It appears Dr. N-R-Gee has never seen a Bond film to know that telling your enemy every detail of your evil plan always backfires.

And if you like Dr. N-R-Gee, there’s more where that came from, see below!

The Origin of Dr. N-R-Gee, i.e. the guy with the red lightbulb head

Ho ho ho, Dr. N-R-Gee tries to ruin Christmas!

Are you are fan of Dr. N-R-Gee stories?

Richie becomes a servant for the day and it is exhausting!

Here are two fun stories featuring basically the same storyline. Richie’s Dad asks him to help entertain clients, but he ends up entertaining the wrong people! The stories vary in that Richie is servantless in the first, has hundreds of cranky staff in the second, but the end result in both is serious snoring! Thank to Larry T. for the first story, and enjoy!

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That boy will go far in life indeed. Little did they realize their caddy could buy and sell them! It’s interesting how many lifeguards and kitchen staff must be paid to sit around all day and do nothing on the Rich estate. Finally they have something to do and it’s all whine with that cheese…

Did you remember one of these classic tales?

Richie has some problems with the ladies…

Happy July, today we are running a two-for-one girl problems special! The first story involves exploring the Rich mansion, oh happy day!

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What a huge mansion, you get bored even while traveling down the hall on rocket skates. How did Mr. Rich ever find that wing of the house to hide Richie’s present? Gloria doesn’t seem to be affected by the “man in uniform” attraction at all! She is quite peeved!

And now, we switch to poor Mayda trying to flirt her way into Richie’s heart. But, Richie is having none of it!

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Go Richie! Mayda just doesn’t get it. She and Reggie would be a perfect fit, except they would both hate each other too much to get married. I need to find the story where Richie and Mayda get married…or do they? I will look for it and try to post it soon! What did you think of these cute stories?

Richie desperately needs a double “Z” machine screw for his train set!

Happy April! As you probably know, because I repeat it ad nauseum; my favorite stories are Richie exploring the house stories. So, let’s brighten your day with a cute one pager!


I hope they leave snacks and water in every room or there will be many dead bodies accumulating over the years!

And one more for good measure…

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What a house!

And now, onto the main event. Richie needs a Z screw, because if his train set isn’t running, what on earth will he do with his friends? They certainly couldn’t swim, race cars, fly a plane, climb Mount Richie, watch a movie on a giant screen, play outside, count money….

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D’oh! Richard Rich, you spendthrift!

One can only hope that the giant transformer they took the Z screw from is not part of the machinery necessary for making a Z screw or this will really be a cluster.

I feel bad for my love, Cadbury. It’s such a good feeling to be organized and on top of things, like having a bandaid in your purse when someone needs one or a mint, but to have every single screw in the world, but the VERY ONE RICHIE NEEDS….oh…it is truly tragic. My poor chap, Cadbury, he tried so hard. Let’s give him a virtual hug.



Oh happy day, Richie explores the Rich mansion!

I’m sure you never get tired of hearing how Richie exploring the mansion stories are my favorites! So, I shall repeat it many more times… 🙂

Today we have a one pager, a two pager, and a five pager of house hijinks for your enjoyment! Imagine having such exciting adventures and never having to leave home. Yippee!


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What an amazing house! Are exploring the mansion stories your faves too?

And, in case you missed it, here’s another fun story of exploring the house: