It’s Cadbury time! Starring Lord Helpus, Robot Richie, and a roast chicken wearing a derby!

Happy Leftovers day! Hope your Turkey day was great and check out this cute Thanksgiving Richie doll the Harvey Mercheum posted. 🙂

Check out the Thanksgiving Richie doll and other Harvey collectibles here:

And now it’s Cadbury time! Cadbury has always seemed to be a James Bond type fellow trapped as Richie’s babysitter, but after reading his earlier adventures as butler to Lord Helpus, it makes sense he might enjoy the quieter life in the mansion.

Strange, I always thought the Cadbury’s past stories revolved around Sir Rudy Blighter, I didn’t remember Lord Helpus at all. And I am still searching for the Rudy Blighter stories, I know they will turn up.

And now to one of my favorites, Cadbury always takes such initiative and is so thorough and dependable! And cute, as is this story…

That is storytelling at its finest! Although, a bit silly that the Riches would ever need insurance when there is just soooo…much…money…everywhere on this estate! And yes, of course I have to make my usual comment, “Where are the estate guards??? How is this salesman allowed to just walk up to Richie??” Protect the young lad someone!!!

Now we go to the non-handsomely drawn version of Cadbury, but I do appreciate a robot story so enjoy!

I’m curious if we lingered in the caves how many random people would be living down there as they do in the Rich mansion. Don’t remember what I’m talking about? Check out the first story on this page:

This one pager is a quick reminder that Cadbury is human and can sometimes lower his decorum..

Now for some excitement, moving statues! What???!!!

Seems odd that the richest man in the world would be selling statues personally in his free time. Perhaps the statue could carry Cadbury straight to me!

And lastly, here’s one more cute story that loves Cadbury as much as I do.

A swift foot thrust!! I love how the editor is reading “Trash” magazine. Do you love Cadbury as much as me? Tell me what you think in the comments below!

And type “Cadbury” in the search bar/magnifying glass at the top left for tons more Cadbury stories to read. Happy Holidays!

Take a visit to the 1930’s car show in the Rich mansion!

Oh, I am giddy! I thought I had read every “Richie explores the house” story, but I just came across one I’ve never seen! So many rooms to explore, so many amazing things in wings of the mansion no one ever enters. This gives me hope that there are still more house stories to find! But first, a funny Mayda one-pager. 🙂


And now, we explore the house! read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-005read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-006read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-007read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-008read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-009read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-012read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-013read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-014read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-015read-richie-rich-comics-online-free-016

How amazing is that? An entire car show just walled up. All those cars that were cutting edge technology for the time, just sitting there, covered in dust. What else is walled up in that mansion? I wish they had shown just a few more rooms. At least we have some other exploring the house stories to read and enjoy:

And why, with all of their money, the Rich’s still can’t seem to hire anyone but this idiot to search the house. And Mr. Woody, the world’s worst carpenter, to build things. But, I assume most of their guards and business employees of Rich industries are former crooks they promised jobs to, so they don’t really attract the best and brightest. When you do, bad things happen, see below:

Did you enjoy that story? And have you ever worn a collar button? 🙂



Guest Blog! An old frenemy returns in The Mysterious Shipwrecks

Yay, we have another story and commentary from Ze Mastor and Richie Rich Money World #16! This is a story I really loved  back in the day and I’m happy to read it again. Enjoy! Comments below are from Zeeeee Mastooooor….N pg1

Oooooh! A Richie Rich mystery! How I loved getting Richie Rich comics with these kinds of stories! Another ship story, this time with shipwrecks and Rich cargo disappearing.

N pg2

The ship’s captain starts to tell his story… a weird red lighthouse beam…

N pg3

The captain explains that they obediently changed their course and the beam guided them to crash the ship on the rocks. *Sigh*, it’s things like this that makes ya wonder why grown-ups were in charge of anything in Harvey-land. Where does Mr. Rich get these ship captains from? Advertising in the local newspaper? Well, yes! That’s how they got Capt. Manta 6 years before (in 1969) and we all know how well that worked out, don’t we? N pg4

Richie has Bascomb drive him around to random places in town. “That man! I’ve seen him before!”, thinks Richie. Of course! Bascomb’s seedy twin brother. Just look at Bascomb in the panel above, looks just like him. Bascomb’s seedy twin is jowly due to his typical criminal’s diet of junk food, but one can easily see the resemblance. So Richie jumps into a nearby cab and follows the seedy guy, instead of having Bascomb take him where he wants to go (???).

N pg5

The guy dashes into a run-down building on the po’ side of town. Richie investigates all by himself and gets a face full o’ chloroform for all his troubles. That’s what Richie gets for not having Bascomb as his backup. It’s not as if the taxi driver was gonna stick around and get involved! When Richie comes to, he finds his old nemesis, Dr. N-R-Gee. Just based on the dialogue, I guessed (back in 1975) that Richie had met Dr. N-R-Gee before, but I didn’t have any other issues with him in it at the time, so I didn’t know the whole story. Thanks reading to this blog, I do now! N pg6

Dr. N-R-Gee drags Richie along for his latest caper. He has an incredibly complicated plan to tow a platform out to sea and have his goons build a portable lighthouse, and then he’d signal ships to crash into the rocks. Even though it would be much easier for him to hijack an actual lighthouse and send his signals from there.

N pg7

It can’t possibly be fun for the henchmen to be hauling 6 foot sheets of metal while climbing up ladders, what with the platform bobbing around in the open sea like that. Dropping an anchor does NOT stop objects from moving in the water with the waves. I love the way the ocean waves are beautifully drawn here- you can practically smell the brine and hear the sound of the seagulls.
N pg8

I’m really impressed by the bad guys’ ability to stand up straight way up there in the portable lighthouse. The height of the structure would magnify any up/down and side-to-side movement of the floating platform exponentially and toss them around like rag dolls. Meanwhile, Mr. Rich is riding shotgun on his cargo ship, to investigate what’s been happening to his ships. The idiot captain (a different one) insists on obeying the lighthouse signals, even if they’re weird and red. Mr. Rich really starts to regret hiring his ship captains from the classified ads and swears that the next time, he’ll hire someone that actually has a brain.N pg9

Richie distracts Dr. N-R-Gee, causing him to spin around. It’s amazing that the bad doctor didn’t fall over on his own, since we know that lighthouse is swaying and rocking. Mr. Rich’s idiot captain finally gets the clue, follows Mr. Rich’s instructions and sails towards the fake lighthouse.N pg10

Dr. N-R-Gee and his thugs start to panic when they see the cargo ship headed straight for them. Ummm, gentlemen, yelling and waving your fists at a ship isn’t going to stop it. The SS Rich makes a spectacular crash and demolishes the fake lighthouse. Dr. N-R-Gee manages to escape like a half-drowned ship’s rat and makes it to shore, swearing revenge! And indeed, he returns only 6 real-life months later in Richie Rich Money World #20. Can’t keep a good villain down!

Thank you Ze Mastor! I wonder if Richard freaked out when they picked up little Richie from the freezing ocean, having no idea he wasn’t safe at home! Surely Richie has a chip they could be tracking him with.

I’m also curious how Dr. N-R-Gee could drown or breathe or see anything. I’d like an x-ray into that lightbulb head to see if his real head is behind there or how breathing, eating, vision, etc. would work!

If you want to read more Dr. N-R-Gee, click these links below:

If you missed the Manta story referenced above, click here:

And if you like Bascomb dropping Richie off in seedy places with no concern for his well being, click here:

Have a great day!

Richie, Freckles & Peewee explore the mansion and Richie earns billions in his sleep

Today is another very exciting day in Richieland, I discovered another blog posting Richie stories! Hurrah! And, for those of you Jackie Jokers fans, there are quite a few Jackie stories which makes me happy for you as I completely forget to post about Jackie.

In other genres I forget about, the last blog with the Manta Adventure Story from Ze Mastor made a lot of you very giddy so I will look for more adventure stories to post. In great news, another guest blog from Ze Mastor is coming soon!

And, there is still another amazing thing! I found a Richie explores the house story I’ve never read! Oh happy day! And a one-pager! Enjoy!

2017-03-21 12.28.30.jpgOh Cadbury, you are the best!

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What a house! They have barely scratched the surface! I do think with all the 100s of servants working there, one could stagger their off days. But, what do I know of running a mansion? And if you wanted to know more about PeeWee not speaking, click below:

If you’re like me and love Richie exploring the house stories, click below!

This one-pager below makes me smile, I love when adults don’t realize who they’re talking to and Richie gets some disrespect. Although, it clearly states the mines belong to Richie so these guys need to read!

2017-03-21 12.36.14.jpgAnd now to a story with my beloved Cadbury, who takes the best care of wittle, sleepy Richie.

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Phew! That would have been terrible for a normal person that would be bankrupt after blowing half a million. But, Richie made a profit while asleep, those are some excellent genetics!

Have a great day!

The Rich mansion gets a good clean and Peewee thwarts some crooks

The below one-pager was a request from a fan club member and I’m so glad a friend was able to find it. Richie Rich comics do more than just entertain us, they teach us too! The only odd thing is that the final number is wrong, I did the calculations and thought I just messed up, but this blog confirms my numbers.

Either way, great story!


Here’s the original version, the above is from the recolored and digitized 2012 GEMS.

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Ha! So there, stupid Reggie!

And now, another memorable one-pager starring Richard Nixon!

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I can’t imagine how much that check is for! I’m surprised all the zeros can even fit on the check!

Now to a cute story about Richie’s loyal friends and how they seem to be just fine with poverty. And leaving little kids at home alone who are allowed to answer the door.

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Oh Freckles, if only you knew what a genius he was! If you like stories where the Friendly family chooses not to accept easy wealth, check this out:

And the bottom story here:

Now, for a very fun story of a man who likes to clean and the butler who wishes he would bugger off!2016-05-08 20.31.172016-05-08 20.31.222016-05-08 20.31.372016-05-08 20.32.122016-05-08 20.32.35

Cadbury wearing sunglasses! That’s a sight you never see! And the mine is so white, even Richie’s shorts join in the fun.

I would think that every time you mine some coal, it would make everything black again so this would be a never ending battle to keep the cave white. But, I will admit, I really like to clean too, so I get it.

Did you like these stories?


Cadbury can do anything and meet Cadbury’s family!

Whoops, I meant to post these Cadbury stories in June and just noticed that I didn’t so we’ll have two for the price of one blogs today.

First, we have a one-pager of a familiar scenario, Gloria asks Richie NOT to spend money and be extravagant, but puh-leeze girl, you know he can’t do that!2016-02-12 16.08.41.jpg

Now to my love Cadbury, I hope you love him too as I post about him quite a lot! This man can do it all! Except find an appropriate place to sit, although the man never gets to sit down so I’m not surprised he lacks sitting skills. Enjoy!

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And now a wonderful story from our dear friend, Larry T, who pulls stories I’ve never seen out of hat! Haven’t you always felt a bit bad for Cadbury, having no family or friends nearby that we see? It turns out he has a family! And they have just moved to town to stand around with excellent posture and say “rawther” and “deucedly” a lot.





I love how the Riches never look down on Cadbury, even though he is in theory “below their station”. They love him, admire him, take his advice and emulate him! And if you like Richie behaving like Cadbury, see the one pager at the top of this link:

And if you like Richie behaving like a servant, check this out:

For another Cadbury relative, check this out:

And, as always, if you want to check out more Cadbury stories you may have missed, type Cadbury into the search engine by the magnifying glass at the top of the page and it will pull up every story I have tagged Cadbury in. This works for any character or topic.

What did you think of these fun stories?





Political coups out the wazoos plus Richie wins everything!

Happy Opening Day! If you’ve never read the famous Richie history of baseball story, perhaps today is the day! Head on over to Occupy Richie Rich and enjoy yourself!


In non-baseball news, this first story seems a bit risqué, but was quite interesting and a bit different than the usual Richie fare. Except for Richie being kidnapped, that happens every week!


I wonder if Richie enjoyed being around others who walk around in tuxedos all day? He was dressed like everyone else for once! And if you like stories where Richie pays off people who are trying to ransom him, check this one out:

Now to a very stereotypical Richie classic where Richie does what a Rich does best!


Oh, how the townspeople must hate this family!

Whitey Bloop! That is going in my favorite names pile with Snerdly Gerp.

What did you think?


100th post! Mr. Rich says no to yes men and Prof. Keenbean invents a machine that invents anything!

This first story is very cute and brings up a problem that has always affected rich people. It’s the fact that anyone on your payroll is going to tell you what you want to hear because otherwise, you might fire them and then they don’t get paid! Honest opinions are hard to come by, but Mr. Rich finds a way…

2015-09-03 21.54.402015-09-03 21.55.022015-09-03 21.55.232015-09-03 21.55.492015-09-03 21.56.16

Yiish! Richie better watch his back, Smedley will be out for revenge! I’m on board with the barber, shoe shine guy, and newspaper vendor being a bit palsy with Mr. Rich, but the elevator operator? Surely he is employed by Mr. Rich as Richard owns every building. Either way, I’m glad Mr. Rich got rid of these shysters except when needing a shoe shine. But, once these commoners get a taste of Board of Director salaries, they may become yes men too.

And now to a rather shocking development, in the two years I’ve done this blog, I am quite sure that I have yet to post a Prof. Keenbean story!! What kind of self-respecting Richie Rich blog doesn’t have some Keenbean? So, I make up for that with the ultimate invention, an invention that invents other inventions! Read on…

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Well, no need to destroy it! It could have made an invention that creates world peace! Do you love Keenbean stories and if yes, what were some of your favorite inventions?

Here are some non-Keenbean invention stories, in case you missed them!

Right after I published this, WordPress informed me that this is my 100th post! That’s pretty exciting! Woot woot!






Happy New Year and Richie enters a very strange dream machine with Casper


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope everyone’s year is off to a great start and hope you all got to sleep in because your brain will need to work overtime to follow along with this wacky story!

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Well. Indeed. What to say about this story, I have no idea. It was interesting, I’ll give it that! And I like supermodel Regina’s look, but do not like stupid Mayda slapping my Cadbury.

And mean Mr. Rich, he always scares me, even as an adult. YIIISH!

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And here is the sun that our dear fan club member Steve remembered from the olden days. It is quite beautiful!

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It’s funny; the tiny, artistic details we remember from these Richie stories that we first read so long ago. Like Stevie Strange’s whiskers that stayed with me for most of my life!

All in all, I am quite happy no one has invented a machine like this because your dreams should be just for you! Were anyone else to see them, they would think you were a psychopath! What did you think of this acid trip story?



The sad tale of when an amnesia ray causes Richie to get yelled at by his parents

One of the great things about Richie stories is the loving relationship he has with his parents. One does wonder why the Riches only had one child with all their wealth and hundreds of staff, but perhaps they foresaw the wrangling and fighting that always accompanies extremely rich siblings running the family empire so they figured this was best.

In this story though, we see the scary side of Richard. I remember hating this story when I was young because he SCREAMS at poor Richie. Even Cadbury is a jerk. But, it is all because they have amnesia, so read on to discover how this strangeness occured…

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Oh, how I hate this frame!!!

2015-08-13 16.40.22

WAAA! Poor Richie!

And, if you like reading stories where Richard is a big meanie, check out:

Mr. Rich doesn’t get his sleep and madness ensues!

Grumpy old school Richard Rich

In other news, it is interesting that not only does the ray cause Amnesia, but the Memory ray also turns your hair from orange to blonde!

How weird was it to see Cadbury sticking his tongue out? Such a rapscallion! But, we have seen him ill-behaved before:

Cadbury, the perfect butler, gets emotional?

What did you think of this frightening tale?