Cadbury is a hippie? And finally some Dollar stories!

I have been Slackey McSlackerson with this poor little rich blog and with Comic-con virtual this year, I wasn’t even inspired to do my once a year “I’m going to Comic-con” post! But, a lovely reader asked yesterday if I had any Dollar stories so I searched the blog and discovered I have only posted ONE Dollar story! I hang my head in shame!

I went on a mission this morning to find some Dollar and onย my search I found this amazing Cadbury story! And you know I love me some Cadbury..


I love them saying Freaky! And I love Cadbury’s outfit! And Nurse Jenny, who knew she was a secret hottie? She should have kept the long hair, perhaps she could have attracted Cadbury’s eye.

I looked up what “immies” means, it is apparently a type of marble so Cadbury is just saying “lost their marbles”. Which reminds me of a funny Regina story where Richard thinks she is going crazy because someone tells him she’s “lost her marbles”, but she legitimately loses Richie’s marbles, and then they say she has “bats in the belfry”, but she legit is knocking bats out of the belfry with a broom. Looks like I have more research to do to find that story! And now back to Dollar…

I asked myself why I haven’t posted much with Dollar and I think I was so annoyed by the cartoon Dollar who always acted like a complete idiot that it poisoned my view of good ol’ comic book Dollar who is smart and capable and like a dog version of Cadbury. Which segues perfectly to this story:


Jeez Richie, fat shaming much? Just kidding, I love politically incorrect fat jokes in Richie comics, they always make me laugh. See below post for a plump post:

And now to another fun switcheroo Dollar story, what if Richie were the pet?


It never ceases to amaze/annoy me that any crook at any time can just wander into the Rich mansion. Where are the estate police? Why don’t they lock the front door and windows? And why even enter the house, there is money literally blowing around from the money laundry conveyor belt or exploding from overfilled vaults all over the estate. Just scale the wall, hold out a sack with a dollar sign on it, thousands will blow into your sack and you’re out, no cops or dog bites required.

And now, one more Dollar story for the day, poor Dollar gets his little heart broken, but it all ends well!


Aw, back together again and the play was twice as dramatic! I must say the farmer/Texan person was a fortune teller, how did he know about the “world situation” we are all currently going through. Prophetic indeed. Hope you enjoyed and I have gathered more stories from my morning research so I will be posting again soon. ๐Ÿ™‚


Richie finds a stowaway in the mansion plus some Richie Dollars and Census

WAA HAA! Dollars and Census! Send me back in a time machine and I could write some Richie cover puns. ๐Ÿ™‚

Today’s story is in my favorite Richie genre of….Richie explores the mansion! And the very end of the story is so fun and unexpected and clever, it is one I never forget.

I do have a beef with this story and it is in the very first panel. Really Regina? Your beloved son is lonely and you say, “Well, go play with your friends. And leave me be!”

NO, REGINA. The proper response should be, “Lonely? What am I, chopped liver? I’m just sitting around my duff doing nothing, your childhood is precious and fleeting, let’s go play!” Humpf. Even Reggie’s dad is a better parent in this tale. But, then it gets good, so off we go, apologies in advance for the poor quality….

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I love this end panel! All these random beatniks are just living in the mansion and no one has a clue! And probably stealing food from the kitchen each night like this tale:

The year 2000 is so happy and beautiful and peaceful. And we lived in it! And I remember very little except buying a lot of Y2K emergency supplies for no reason.

And if you also love exploring the mansion, you might want to reread this awesome story:

And now a bonus tale that I was saving for the year of the U.S. Census, but that will be in 2020 and by then we will all have every Richie Rich story on a microchip implanted in our brains, so why wait?

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With all that staff you would think someone would have discovered the hippie poets in the west wing!

What did you think?