Dr. N-R-Gee Returns!

I’ve been getting a bit girlie with my posts as of late, so I thought I would flip over to the boy side and serve up some hot and red Dr. N-R-Gee. I never liked the action and adventure Richie stories for the most part when I was young, but I always like Dr. N-R-Gee stories. Maybe because he didn’t have a face to scare me like the Condor. Enjoy!

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Ah Richie, if only you hadn’t worn your pointy go-go boots, the raft may not have busted. But, then you wouldn’t have been able to save the world, so excellent fashion choice. It appears Dr. N-R-Gee has never seen a Bond film to know that telling your enemy every detail of your evil plan always backfires.

And if you like Dr. N-R-Gee, there’s more where that came from, see below!

The Origin of Dr. N-R-Gee, i.e. the guy with the red lightbulb head

Ho ho ho, Dr. N-R-Gee tries to ruin Christmas!

Are you are fan of Dr. N-R-Gee stories?

10 comments on “Dr. N-R-Gee Returns!

  1. SteveAsat says:

    Cadbury…hunched over? Almost slumping?! He is truly committed to his performance…no less than one might expect from a perfect butler. Richie puts on a good show as well. I thought surely he was trying to swipe N-R-Gee’s ring when he rushed him like that.

  2. Ze Mastor says:

    I wonder what the name of that cruise ship is… SS Rich?

  3. W Sears says:

    I remember this story, one of the great ones! I remember how isolated Richie looked floating in the ocean at night… kind of a “Castaway” moment.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of the Richie Rich movie, I remember that the bad guy’s last name was Van Dough, same as Richie’s cousin Reggie. Are they related?

    • I assume someone who didn’t really read Richie comics saw that Reggie was always against Richie so they said aha, the villain shall be Van Dough! Because in comic land, Mr. Van Dough is married to Vanessa Van Dough who is Regina’s sister and he has plenty of money.

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