Richie gets a scary new playhouse and four stories to read!

Today is a good day if you are relaxing and in the mood for Richie stories! I found another father/son bonding story and added it to a previous post. Click below to check out the new second story:

And then, you can click on over to the fabulous Big Blog of kid’s comics at:

where Mykal has a new post with not one, but TWO Richie stories!

And now, to our fourth story of the day. This story scared the bejeebers out of me when I was little. But, I feel it is time to face my fears! Enjoy!

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My younger self thought that Mr. Rich was dead and that his face had been removed and worn by a creepy monster (and this was years before the movie Face/Off!). I was so scared that I never finished the story to discover it was all in fun!

I still don’t understand why Cadbury has a Mr. Rich mask though. Was he trying to act like Mr. Rich turned into a monster? Why not just be a generic monster? How does one wear two masks? Seems awfully sweaty.

Ah, how amazing to build playhouses you can have adventures in everyday, what a cool life! What did you think?

2 comments on “Richie gets a scary new playhouse and four stories to read!

  1. hmcurator says:

    Totally not the story I thought it was going to be. I seem to remember a story where Mr. Rich tells Richie he built him a spooky new playhouse, Richie goes to it and has all kinds of frightful encounters, but it turns out he was in a real haunted house and the playhouse was somewhere else. I think Mr. Rich was near the real playhouse wondering where Richie was. I really need to reread my books some day…

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