Cadbury can do anything and meet Cadbury’s family!

Whoops, I meant to post these Cadbury stories in June and just noticed that I didn’t so we’ll have two for the price of one blogs today.

First, we have a one-pager of a familiar scenario, Gloria asks Richie NOT to spend money and be extravagant, but puh-leeze girl, you know he can’t do that!2016-02-12 16.08.41.jpg

Now to my love Cadbury, I hope you love him too as I post about him quite a lot! This man can do it all! Except find an appropriate place to sit, although the man never gets to sit down so I’m not surprised he lacks sitting skills. Enjoy!

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And now a wonderful story from our dear friend, Larry T, who pulls stories I’ve never seen out of hat! Haven’t you always felt a bit bad for Cadbury, having no family or friends nearby that we see? It turns out he has a family! And they have just moved to town to stand around with excellent posture and say “rawther” and “deucedly” a lot.





I love how the Riches never look down on Cadbury, even though he is in theory “below their station”. They love him, admire him, take his advice and emulate him! And if you like Richie behaving like Cadbury, see the one pager at the top of this link:

And if you like Richie behaving like a servant, check this out:

For another Cadbury relative, check this out:

And, as always, if you want to check out more Cadbury stories you may have missed, type Cadbury into the search engine by the magnifying glass at the top of the page and it will pull up every story I have tagged Cadbury in. This works for any character or topic.

What did you think of these fun stories?





5 comments on “Cadbury can do anything and meet Cadbury’s family!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I really enjoyed the “cadburys family” story; I could have sworn I read in one of “Richie’s mailbox” which appeared sporadically, in some Richie Rich comics, not sure if they were in the flagship title ” Richie Rich”. It stated cadburys name was ” cadbury cadbury” ??? Now I hear his name was something like “reconcible cadbury something something”, whoever the artist is for that story is one of my favorite Richie Rich artists, thanks Daniel

  2. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps the Cadbury family is the line all perfect butlers are descended from. Cheerio!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I guess butlering runs in the Cadbury family. I wonder if Cadbury might also be related to Mary Poppins, the perfect babysitter.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cadbury kind of reminds me of Mary Poppins because they are both practically perfect in every way.

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