It’s Cadbury time! Starring Lord Helpus, Robot Richie, and a roast chicken wearing a derby!

Happy Leftovers day! Hope your Turkey day was great and check out this cute Thanksgiving Richie doll the Harvey Mercheum posted. 🙂

Check out the Thanksgiving Richie doll and other Harvey collectibles here:

And now it’s Cadbury time! Cadbury has always seemed to be a James Bond type fellow trapped as Richie’s babysitter, but after reading his earlier adventures as butler to Lord Helpus, it makes sense he might enjoy the quieter life in the mansion.

Strange, I always thought the Cadbury’s past stories revolved around Sir Rudy Blighter, I didn’t remember Lord Helpus at all. And I am still searching for the Rudy Blighter stories, I know they will turn up.

And now to one of my favorites, Cadbury always takes such initiative and is so thorough and dependable! And cute, as is this story…

That is storytelling at its finest! Although, a bit silly that the Riches would ever need insurance when there is just soooo…much…money…everywhere on this estate! And yes, of course I have to make my usual comment, “Where are the estate guards??? How is this salesman allowed to just walk up to Richie??” Protect the young lad someone!!!

Now we go to the non-handsomely drawn version of Cadbury, but I do appreciate a robot story so enjoy!

I’m curious if we lingered in the caves how many random people would be living down there as they do in the Rich mansion. Don’t remember what I’m talking about? Check out the first story on this page:

This one pager is a quick reminder that Cadbury is human and can sometimes lower his decorum..

Now for some excitement, moving statues! What???!!!

Seems odd that the richest man in the world would be selling statues personally in his free time. Perhaps the statue could carry Cadbury straight to me!

And lastly, here’s one more cute story that loves Cadbury as much as I do.

A swift foot thrust!! I love how the editor is reading “Trash” magazine. Do you love Cadbury as much as me? Tell me what you think in the comments below!

And type “Cadbury” in the search bar/magnifying glass at the top left for tons more Cadbury stories to read. Happy Holidays!