Join Richie and Gloria for a romantic, yet bleak Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today’s story is so romantic and it proves that it’s not about hearts and flowers, it’s just about a well placed romantic line here or there to make a lady feel appreciated.

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How amazing is that little gadget? You could have a paradise home anywhere in the world.

I would like some explanation on where California is on this map. Or Texas for that matter.


What is the most romantic Richie and Gloria story you remember?

3 comments on “Join Richie and Gloria for a romantic, yet bleak Valentine’s Day

  1. Hugh says:

    What if Pinocchio tells Gloria that Richie hates her and then his nose grows?

  2. Hugh says:

    Alternate ending:

    Gloria: It’s getting cooler! Richie, you promised!

    Richie: I didn’t do anything!

    Annoying Orange: This place is so COOL! Hahahahahaha!

  3. Anonymous says:

    It just goes to show how much Richie loves Gloria. It isn’t just a crush, it is true love.

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