Adventures with Cadbury’s ex-bosses and more exploring the mansion!

In my last post I said I hoped to find the Cadbury/Ruddy Blighter story and wouldn’t you know, the very next day I pulled out a digest and there it was! And I thought it would be so funny to post the day after I said I would look for it and now here we are months later. Whoops! But, I also found another ex-boss of Cadbury so now we have two for the price of one. Plus, I found a bunch of exploring the mansion stories that were new to me so that makes me giddy!

First up, Cadbury and Ruddy Blighter. I apologize for the poor quality, I always go back and add higher quality versions of stories as I find them, but for the moment this is just my yellowing digests!

Swooooon…..Cadbury kicking that boulder/juggernaut! So many great lines in this, “Do appear to be fit, old fellow!” “Dash it all, old fruit!”

And now we head to a female boss of Cadbury! No love connection here, however…

Punching and kicking my Cadbury!!!! That will not do! I would happily engage in a bout of fisticuffs with this rawther uncivilized woman. And why no apology Richie? You brain Cadbury with a door and just say, “I didn’t know you were standing there?” You also need to apologize!

What a stench that mansion must have had with all that gurgling oil. And if you like Cadbury’s life before the Rich family, don’t forget this one:

Now to a cute one pager with an uncouth Cadbury??

Phew, just an uncouth relative! And if you want to see more stories of Cadbury’s relatives, check out these links:

And now we move on to my favorite type of Richie stories, yes, you’ve heard it 8 million times before, but for those in the cheap seats, I love exploring the mansion stories! Enjoy!

I love this story!! What did you think? And now more Freckles and mansion exploration…

Yet another Richie invention that came to fruition, those finders and receivers are the precursor to laser tag guns. Such an amazing house!

And now for some dear sweet baby face Richie, I looooove how he looks in these old comics! And trigger warning, there’s a quarantine involved so if you’ve had enough of virus-related things, you may want to skip this one.

So sweet! There’s no place like home. It does make me a bit sad to see how happy Richie was having other kids to play with at the mansion. He is a lonely little rich boy, even stupid Reggie got a sister, but Richie had no one. I guess Dollar and Cadbury do eventually come along to be his besties, but glad he got this brother time with Freckles and Peewee.

I leave you with this darling one pager below and remember there are tons more exploring the mansion stories, tons more Cadbury, and even Reggie getting a sister stories to be found by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top left and typing in “exploring the mansion” or “Cadbury” or “Penny van dough”. Plus, if you want to know why there can never be an accurate count of all the rooms in the Rich mansion, check out this story: