2 year anniversary! Woot woot! And Richie & Gloria discover the Art Room!

TWO YEARS of Richie Rich Comics Fan Club! Whoooooohooooo!


I got so slacky this year, I didn’t think I would make it, but hurrah! Thank you lovely readers for keeping me going! And as always, I will make my yearly plea for comments, it makes my day when I get a notification that someone has commented! Just tell me what you think of the story, of Richie, an old comics memory, whatever, I want to hear it all, I love hearing other’s thoughts & opinions.

And, while I am repeating myself, did I tell you how my favorite Richie stories involve Richie exploring the house? I did? 900 times? You’re right! And today, we have my FAVORITE Richie exploring the house story. And we even find out why no one knows all the rooms in the Rich mansion, and why they can never all be on a map.


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How amazing is this house? Who thought of making crazy ceilings and walls? Who knew there were trap doors into Regina and Cadbury’s rooms? And most importantly, why can’t Regina put lipstick on? I do it every day, it’s not difficult.

And who is paying the carpenters? No wonder no one has mapped every room in the Rich mansion, they keep adding on! Ooooh, perhaps the beatnik artists squatting in the mansion tell the carpenters what to build! That’s where the crazy ceilings and walls come from; hippies who draw up architectural plans while they are high as a kite! I have solved the mystery!

Yes, the ending makes no sense, how can a person buy a destroyed room of a house? Surely there is a million dollars lying on the floor anyway so it’s basically free. And Richard was not much help, oh the room is destroyed so you can’t use it. Let’s ignore the fact that there are 950 unused rooms in my house that could be used for an art show whether or not they explicitly say “Art Room” on the door!

But, glop art or not, I love this story and I only wish there had been a Richie Rich Mansion comic series where we could have explored the house every month. Sob…

I think I have posted all the major exploring the house stories, but if you remember another one, do let me know!

Richie finds a stowaway in the mansion plus some Richie Dollars and Census

Oh happy day, Richie explores the Rich mansion!

It’s magic!

Illogical, yet interesting

Richie has some problems with the ladies…

The legends were true…Richie Rich meets the New Kids on the Block!

Happy Anniversary and tell me Richie things you’re thinking in the comments! 🙂

8 comments on “2 year anniversary! Woot woot! And Richie & Gloria discover the Art Room!

  1. HMCurator says:

    Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary Gloria! Great story, I didn’t remember it until the mask landed on Gloria. What a wonderful bit of nonsense that story was, thank you for sharing!

  2. Steve C. says:

    Congratulations on two years with your blog. I always enjoy reading your posts and the pages from the old comics I read so many years ago. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Travis says:

    This was a great and fun story! I had never read it before. I just love the adventures that Richie innocently falls into! Ha ha

  4. […] the website was down, I missed the two year anniversary of the Richie Rich Comics Fan Club. Happy anniversary Gloria! Congratulations on two years of awesome Richie Rich […]

  5. John says:

    A belated congrats on the 2 year anniversary of this great blog.

  6. Warren says:

    Thanks very much for this page… for whatever reason the Art Room story sticks in my mind and fascinated me when I was 8 years old. Brings back good memories of simpler times.

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